JBoss: software development >>Savara 2.0.0.M4 is released with initial BPMN2 and SCA support

Savara 2.0.0.M4 is released with initial BPMN2 and SCA support: "The Savara team are pleased to announce the release of milestone 4 of Savara 2.0. The Savara project provides tools in support of the Testable Architecture methodology, which aims to ensure that artifacts defined at different stages of the software development lifecycle are valid against each other, ensuring that the delivered system meets the original business requirements.

The main new features in this release are:

  • First 'technical preview' of the choreography to BPMN2 process model generation. Currently this still uses the WS-CDL based choreography, but will use the BPMN2 choreography model in a future release.
  • Generation of SCA Java based service implementations from a choreography. This creates a Java project, including the SCA composite descriptor, WSDL and XSD files (representing the external service contract), the Java interfaces and template Java service implementation class.
  • Update to simulation framework, to enable different roles within a scenario to be simulated against different models.
  • SCA Simulator, to enable a scenario to be simulated against SCA Java based service implementations.
  • Upgrade to latest version of Scribble (draft 1.0 version of protocol spec). Scribble is a notation for representing protocols, and provides the underlying canonical model for describing behaviour across artifacts in Savara.
  • Many bug fixes.

Full details can be found here: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310870&version=12316424

